Trauma Industries / Jehtro Massey / France, 2018, 13'
Mum, I Need Oil For My Car / Naishe Nyamubaya / South Africa, 2019, 10'
FE:AR / Hansol Ryoo / South Corea, 2019, 3'
Circuit / Delia Hess / Switzerland, 2018, 9'
Twilight / Richard Reeves / Canada, 2018, 2'
The Dance of Amal / Rami Al Rabih / Lebanon, 2018, 8'
The Proposal (La Bague Au Doigt) / Gerlando Infuso / Belgium, 2018, 15'
XYZ / Bilal Uğur Liman / Turkey, 2019, 3'
Violent Equation / Antonis Doussias / Greece, 2019, 5'
Ipdentical / Marco Huertas / Spain, 2018, 9'
Felicia's smile/ Klaus Hastenreiter, Brasile, 2018, 17’
Pelvicachromis/ Jasmin Luu, Germania, 2018, 12’
The Great Attractor/ Rita Figueiredo, Portogallo, 2018, 9’
PunkRocker/ Nitzan Goffer, Ben Dayan, Israele, 2018, 14’
Aysan/ Mehrshad Kheradmandi, Iran, 2019, 19’
Mon Juke-Box/ Florentine Grelier, Francia, 2019, 15’
Jazz (at the rock bottom) / Claire Allanic / France, 2019, 15’
Soul for Sale / Anna Belenkiy, Shira Salimi, Romy Granot / Israel, 2018, '10
Tight Spot / Kevin Haefelin / Switzerland 2018, 4’
Today artist, tonight taxist / Dumitru Grosei / Romania, 2018, 13’
Black Spirit / Chakib Taleb-Bendiab / Tunisia, 2018, 20’
On the Imperfection of the Geological Record / Martin Oliveros Heinze / Germany, 2019,7’
Deja vu / Nasim Foroogh / Iran, 2019, 9’