01—09 APR 2017
RA 01—09 APR '17


HAPPINESS MACHINE Austria 2019 76'
by Rebecca Bloecher, Eni Brandner, Vessy Dantcheva, Elizabeth Hobbs, Susanne Jirkuff, Joanna Kozuch, Michelle Kranot, Smanatha Moore, Ana Nedeljkovic, Andrea Schneider
Happiness Machine è una antologia di 10 film di animazione realizzati da 10 cineaste e 10 musiciste, per riflettere sull'economia dei Beni Comuni, le sue possibilità, la sua teoria e pratica.
Happiness Machine is an anthology of 10 animated films realized by 10 women filmmakers and 10 women musicians, to reflect about the Common Good Economy, its chances, its theory and practice.