A FILM Festival dedicated to all films that have MUSIC as protagonist.
Cinema and music have always been arts in close relationship. Music, in Cinema, is obviously a soundtrack which defines the identity of the film; but it can also be the main theme of the story: from fictions to biopics, from documentaries to musicals. The Festival aims to explore the new talents of cinema who consider Music as a fundamental element of Cinema.
Main event of the Festival, it will screen the best international films for artistic research, Italian premieres of all genres, related to Music: fictions, documentaries, musicals and biopics.
INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION for SHORTS. A selection of 15 short films of all genres, related to Music: fictions, documentaries, musicals and biopics.
SPECIAL EVENTS. This section will screen works by celebrated film-makers and by the protagonists of the musical scene, in national premiere.
SATELLITE EVENT: the festival every year proposes a live film-concert of classic films performed by the best contemporary music groups.
Another kind of culture is possible: intellectual without being academic, popular without being populist, intelligent without being boring, artistic without being incomprehensible.
The festival aims to create a new culture of cinema, showing its new forms and alternative genres, a fine cinema born in a fresh biodiversity made of brilliant ideas, great visions and powerful emotions; and exploring, in the contemporary arts, the more and more fertile relationship between cinema and music.
The Soundscreen is organized by the Cultural Association Ravenna Cinema in partnership with the Municipality of Ravenna - Department of Culture; with the contribution of MIBAC - Ministry for Cultural Activities; with the contribution of Emilia-Romagna Region; in collaboration with Bronson Productions and Cisim.
We evaluate features, documentaries, musicals, biopics, animations, etc. and shorts related to Music in its broadest meaning.
All info are here.
Deadline August 20th August 2024
For any questions, write to